Well, this is an interesting food week at our house. :) First of all we have been blessed with potatoes. Over 50 pounds. of. potatoes. Red potatoes. So we are having potatoes every day this week. That much I know. We also were blessed by a neighbor who gave us about 3 pounds of ground venison. Did I mention I have never cooked venison in my life? So, anyone out there who has a great recipe for venison or potatoes please share. Oh, by the way, the potatoes came from our church who received THREE THOUSAND POUNDS of potatoes. Yep, you read that right. Now you see why we have so many. Here is the
story on the news. The little girl is my youngest daughter (in the video part). So here goes the rough draft of the week's menu. All subject to change as any yummy recipes come in. Any advice on freezing potatoes would be welcome as well. :)
Breakfast--cereal & milk
Lunch--sandwich and chips, juice
Dinner--venison meatballs (used
Worcestershire, barbecue sauce and bread crumbs), corn, veggie dippers, roasted potatoes
Breakfast--toast and eggs, fresh hash browns, milk
Lunch--mac and cheese, fruit, milk
Dinner--more venison something :), baked potatoes, salad
Breakfast--oatmeal, toast, milk
Lunch--sandwich, fruit, milk
Dinner--encharitos (venison break :)), tortilla chips, maybe
Breakfast--cereal and milk
Lunch-- leftovers
Dinner--last venison dish, veggie dippers, fresh bread, mashed potatoes
Breakfast-- eggs, fresh hash browns, toast, milk
Lunch--lunch with friends at their house after the girl's dance class
Dinner--homemade pizza,
mmmmmmm and *gasp* soda!
Weekend will be really busy with
Angel Food Distribution and church stuff and football so I don't plan to far ahead because we have lots of get
togethers with family and friends on the weekends, so I never know if meals will be at home or someone
else's home. We are so blessed be surrounded by such great family and friends.
I hope next week I can have some pictures of some of our meals this week with recipes as well. Here's to hoping! :)